
The post 9/11, Tsunami and Katrina events have challenged the American view of lifelong employment, benefits and compensation. Managing a workforce is no longer a manner of simply focusing on the bottom line and using downsizing to remedy challenges to shareholder value. There are many more stakeholders involved and external influences on return on investment and income and expense. Unions, government agencies and professional associations have failed to address the issues that will provoke change rather than fix problems that cannot be fixed. More employers are turning to use of low wage part-time workers, who are ineligible for benefits and in the skilled labor market some industries are reducing the number of professional positions while other industries do not have a sufficient pool of credentialed talent.

Stephanie Overby, Senior Editor, of CIO Magazine describes this whiplash in BackSourcing Pain. This case study tangibly describes the impact of decisions at JP Morgan as a result of outsourcing that altered the lives of a workforce employed across 4 companies for "the sake of the bottom line."

Some view that universal health insurance and privatized social security will fix or replace a broken and costly systems for health care and retirement. Reexamining workforce development is a ripe area from which we can also learn by partnering in innovation with people around the world to find more sustainable and practical forums for educating the workforce, creating jobs and insuring basic benefits. This includes addressing the transitions that many are now grappling with when faced with changing careers in mid-life or insuring employment past retirment age; this in part due to downturns in the economy and new trends in chronic illness and increasing cost of living that places pressures on many to have affordable housing and health insurance.

We are now at the door of potential change for local communities of people to put these ideas in practice and use evidential based management practices to assess their value and impact. Some of these innovative programs include pay for performance, a consumer controlled electronic medical record system and medical savings accounts. None of these programs have been adopted into widespread use.

Members of WorkEcology have dedicated themselves to constructing conversations in service of workforce development and working with public/private partnerships dedicated to learning how to put these ideas into practical applications in the workplace.

The resources and links available on this page will connect you with a world of experts and knowledge, who offer professional services and education for public and private partnerships of people, who want to build the innovative initiatives, which will produce tangible changes to the way we approach workforce development. While the knowledge is exceptionally useful, successful adoption will always depend on partnership that forms to adopt this knowledge into practice and the governance system they author to work out the contention that arises when innovating anything new within a local community.



-Theory & Practice
-Action Research
-Public/Private Partnerships


  Theory and Practice  
Discipline Thought Leader Resource(s)
Applied Systems Thinking David Stroh and Lavinia Weissman

The Prophet of Unintended Consequences by Lawrence Fisher

Manufacturing Myopia by Kaj Grichnik, Conrad Winkler, and Peter von Hochberg

Love Your "Dogs" by Harry Quarls, Thomas Pernsteiner, and Kasturi Rangan

Systems Thinking Hits Its Stride: An Interview with Michael Goodman by Kali Saposnick

Core Group Theory & Practice Art Kleiner and Lavinia Weissman

Core Group Therapy by Art Kleiner

Is Hewlett Packard the Laboratory for Core Group Theory Live Action Research? by Lavinia Weissman

Jobs, Layoffs And Productivity - A Core Group Theory in Practice by Lavinia Weissman

Dialogue Michael Jones

The Front Porch by Michael Jones

On Culture & Change Art Kleiner

Sharpening Your Business Acumen by Ram Charan

Leadership Principles for Public School Principles by Andrea Gabor

Five Star Hospitals by Joe Flower

Recombinant Innovation by Art Kleiner

"The World's Most Exciting Accountant" by Art Kleiner

Portfolio Work Lavinia Weissman

Howard Gardner Does Good Work by Laurance Fisher

Rethinking the Value of Talent by Jeffrey Joerres and Dominique Turcq

What the Talent Wants from the Core Group by Lavinia Weissman

Portfolio Workers: The Core Group Talent Pool by Lavinia Weissman

Portfolio Work Is Antidote for Economy by Lavinia Weissman

Social Network Analysis Karen Stephenson

On Trust and Culture by Karen Otazo

What Knowledge Tears Apart, Networks Make Whole by Karen Stephenson [pdf format]

Toward a Theory of Government - Alchemy of Give and Take Over Time Turning to Golden Trust by Karen Stephenson [pdf format]

Building Collaboration Between Sales and Marketing (Networks of High Trust) by Lisa Roner

Karen Stephenson’s Quantum Theory of Trust by Art Kleiner

Handling Emotions is Key When Letting Go of the Old World--- a video presentation with Karen Stephenson

Sustainable Values Gil Friend

The Era of the Inclusive Leader, Special Report from Booz Allen Hamilton by Chuck Lucier, Steven Wheeler, and Rolf Habbel

Sherman Works With Wal-Mart To Achieve Sustainability Goals by Jane Roberts

Expanding the Value Horizon: Stakeholders as Source of Competitive Advantage (pre-publication version, July 2004) by Chris Laszlo, Dave Sherman and John Whalen

Cell Phone Hazards: Threat or Opportunity by Lavinia Weissman

Getting Traction with CSR through Executive Education by John Whalen

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Action Research

Centers of Action Research

CSRWire offers a free enews alert highlighting new trends in corporate social responsibility and foundation giving, along with a calendar for all events on an international basis.

EthicalCorp is an international portal tracking news, analysis and events related to corporate ethics.

EyeforPharma offers a free enews alert highlighting new trends in BioPharm and information about events and conferences.

Strategy+Business is an award-winning management quarterly published by Booz Allen Hamilton. The reports contained in this magazine provide good thinking for todays’businesses and their core groupleaders. When you subscribe to this quarterly magazine you also receive valuable reports prepared for special interest groups e.g. CFO's and CEO's or thought leadership on today's interest areas like ehealth and education where change is being leveraged from social networks comprising public and private partnerships.

Value Magazine A new journal launched in 2007 by Laurance Allen, (Former Publisher of the Financial Times - US; Harvard Business Review & Strategy and Business Magazine. This new media network reports on the new emerging value of new markets, enterprises and investments that cross the intersection of commercial business, non profits and government through global and local views. Convening editors for this journal include sustainability thought leaders, John Elkington and Jeb Emerson.

Professional Development

Falling Awake - Creating the Life of your Dreams - This portal is the gateway to a community of people who self-select to learn to be a coach or be coached in the principles of Life Coaching. This theory and practice was developed by Dave Ellis, founder of the The Brande Foundation. The purpose of the Brande Foundation is to empower people to join in a practice of what WorkEcology describes, Living Well to Work Well. This means embracing an attitude and value for your own health, life-long learning, sustainability and ongoing personal and spiritual development.

The Performance and Talent Management Blog - This blog is produced by Success Factors. SuccessFactors is the established global leader in providing on-demand, web-based, integrated talent management solutions that help organizations align, develop, motivate and retain their employees. Founded in 2001, SuccessFactors’ software as a service solution helps companies of all sizes align employee performance with bottom-line business results. Our talent management suite includes solutions for goal alignment, performance management, 360s, succession planning and pay-for-performance compensation. A recent blog entry at this site, describes Success Factors as one of the top 10 HR Technology brands.

Ethical Business Markets and Social Responsible Investments

Calvert Henderson Quality of Life Indicators - The Calvert-Henderson Quality of Life Indicators are a contribution to the worldwide effort to develop comprehensive statistics of national well-being that go beyond traditional macroeconomic indicators. A systems approach is used to illustrate the dynamic state of our social, economic and environmental quality of life. The dimensions of life examined include: education, employment, energy, environment, health, human rights, income, infrastructure, national security, public safety, re-creation and shelter

Ethical Markets Television -Global Green Economist, Hazel Henderson launched Ethical Markets Media, LLC. This media channel is a partnership with PBS (45M viewers) and now the first TV financial lifestyle magazine. This media network is reporting on new definitions of success, continues to expand its coverage. The TV series features over 80 renowned experts providing insights on topics such as green building, renewable energy, community investing, global citizenship, fair trade, socially responsible investing. These programs are now being made available around the clock to the approximately 80 Million established internet viewers. Hazel draws from a network of experts who built the the frontier of Social Responsibility Investment Indexing, including Amy Domini, Domini Investments; Wayne Silbey, Calvert Investments, Joan Bavaria, Trillium Asset Management and Timothy Smith, Walden Asset Management.

Health Related - Public/Private Partnerships

CHE - Are you confused by how factors you read about reports on environmental contaminants and how they potentially cause harm to the health of our communities? Collaboration for Health and the Environment is a non-profit that has joined a ntional group non-profit and individuals, who have come together to cooperate and learn how to translate blue chip environmental science into practical applications in the servic of individuals and communities.   Through a monthly newsletter and teleconferences, CHE educates its members on the most current issues in environmental health and the treatment of disease that is complicated by environmental contaminants. You can join CHE simply by signing up for CHE's newsletter.

FasterCures has dedicated itself to building a hub or communities that are continuously investigating medicine and scientific research to deliver the fastest cure possible.   Within this community are patients, researchers, medical practitioners, legislators and policy makers form smaller communities of practice to either synthesize best possible practice or investigate forms of practice leadership that will change the way we treat complicated and challenging disease. synthesizes one of the best quality newsletters on current issues in health care and health care information technology.

Clinical Focus grew out of the understanding that physicians in the information age must rely on emerging literature to properly treat their patients, the rapid growth in this literature has made it increasingly difficult. The sheer volume of new articles appearing weekly (over 1,000 articles in the English language alone) makes it all but impossible to scan each of the new medical journals as they appear, to identify those items of potential interest, to read them in a timely fashion, and to save them for future reference. The piles of journals sitting on many practitioners’ desks (mostly unread) bear testimony to this state of affairs. Although some of this information is useful to them, most isn't. The physician must increasingly rely on email notifications from the journals (“Editor’s Picks”), reprints from pharmaceutical manufacturers, news media stories, and word of mouth from colleagues to point them to articles about new therapeutic developments that may be useful in clinical practice.

The greater availability of information about medical literature through the Internet, e.g., 'Medline', has only exacerbated this problem. To access the literature, the user must institute the search at each occasion and generate the specific search terms used for delimiting the selection of items, e.g., keywords. Often these searches also provide much that is irrelevant. The mission of Clinical Focus, therefore, has been to save physicians time in their task of keeping apprised of changes in clinical practice. is a non profit publisher of the most current treatment information for illnesses by medical specialty. Drawing on its relationships with numerous clinical physician specialty groups and the intelligence of the evidential based medicine thought leadership, Up to Date continuously updates its archives of treatments by specialty and illness. These treatment plans are based on research and science that is not influence by commercial interests. Up to Date is the resource for 80% of medical students and residents in training and in daily use by many physicians in group practices and HMO's around the country.

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